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The gas valve market development has entered a golden period of rapid expansion

time:2016/11/24From:Toyo Valve(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd
From 15 to July 16, the Energy Bureau of the Ministry of economic affairs to fake the Grand Hotel in Taipei hosted the Asia Pacific Regional LNG trade promotion seminar, and an important member of the Asia Pacific region focus of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and the prospects for the future development of trade facilitation and other issues.
Many industry experts are involved in the meeting, and to express their views. In recent years, the global natural gas development has entered a golden period, especially in the Asia Pacific region for LNG's main consumer and producer, trade volume of about 70% in the world, the importance of LNG on development of energy security and economic growth in the Asia Pacific Region Rising trend.
The meeting focused on regional LNG trading environment relaxed and convenient, from the current LNG supply and demand and price market in the Asia Pacific region, the development of regional LNG mainly face price and quantity issues. In terms of price, the gas price is usually used with long-term contracts linked to oil prices, the Asian premium issue. In terms of quantity, LNG demand in the Asia Pacific region has seasonal fluctuations, so market flexibility is important for the safety of LNG supply. In addition, Taiwan, LNG can provide more flexible, diverse, convenient storage and ensure the supply of security and many other advantages.
At present, the global natural gas market has matured, the same development also appeared in the LNG LNG, past exporters quantity is very limited, the importer for limited LNG receiving station is limited, for example, Japan, Taiwan, Europe and North America, general LNG sales contract for 20 years, so the lack of play at all, buyers must accept the contract the number, no transfer of goods, ships and other rights, LNG prices generally according to oil related formula formulation, it is the lack of space can be modified.
But since 2000, the global LNG market rapid expansion, the current world involves LNG trading countries has reached 50, between 2008 and 2015, imports of LNG countries from the original number less than 20 growth to 35, the growth rate is as high as 75%, LNG export countries increased from 15 to 20, the growth rate is 25%, the new entrants to the old model no longer bound, to sign a shorter contract, in addition to about more flexible, the price is no longer follow the oil price fluctuation, the carrying vessel selectivity is more flexible, the global LNG spot market growth, by 2000 5 to 10%, accounting for Global trade the rate of growth in 2011 to 25%, a substantial trade market share, obtained impressive.
In the past, only the development of LNG production plan, by the blue chip (Ji You) signed a contract to buy the number of buyers credit decisions, when LNG prices began to rise from 2007, a number of emerging economies, with favorable prices started to sign short-term or individual goods about, due to seasonal changes or unexpected events, relative LNG, the sales side also began to store part of production, supply and demand for temporary spot and shortcomings, in this case, there are a lot of LNG project started, in order to meet the demand from time to time, at the same time, long-term contracts and spot contract is more reliable than the short term, there are now many spot market price is lower than the long-term contract price the situation.
As the commodity market is expected to increase in the number of home buyers and when sold, LNG trading company started to become more active, these companies may involve independent transactions, the purchase of LNG goods at a certain price, and then sold at high prices, or the trading company signed a number of possible year contract, to continue to purchase rationed goods and then followed by a short or small batch contract sales to end users, the global natural gas energy giant, for example, Shell, Gazprom, Total, BG, LNG are active traders, special trading company also began to enter the market, a consumer LNG (e.g., Singapore) and a trading company (for example, Shell or BG) signed a contract, agreed to a certain number of LNG supply to the receiving terminal station, i.e., Shell or BG will cut the planned procurement of goods from their capital owned or LNG. From the other random plan to buy LNG, the export of goods to the factory to be Shell or BG store, the company through the trade routes to sell LNG goods, in fact, than ever signed a long-term purchase contract, more competitive.
The emerging LNG buyers, such as India and Chinese, ongoing LNG procurement, to expand their existing natural gas supply market, although they have signed a long-term contract and many LNG pipeline, but the two countries in the LNG stock market, still plays a very important role, when the spot price than the contract of supply when the price is low, they are also from the the spot market purchases of LNG goods, these emerging markets are also no longer willing to accept the price associated natural gas contract, because when oil prices remain high, large exporting countries (such as Qatar) forced buyers to accept the price of oil related contract, but the current trend gradually by both buyers and emerging resistance.
The global LNG market changes very rapidly, both parties under the contract becomes more flexible, short-term contracts continue to increase, but also from the implicated in oil prices, these changes to existing and emerging consumer needs, in the foreseeable future, the change will continue and expand, because liquefied natural the gas has become the new state of human beings in the future main energy supply.
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Toyo Valve(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd
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