The Vee-BallR Valve Family
The Vee-BallR series of rotaryvalves combines the features andperformance you need. Thesefeatures are made availablethrough Fisher expertise inapplications, valve design, andmanufacturing. These valves are suitable forthrottling or on-off service. Theyare often used with a full 0 to 90degree ball rotation. The Design V150, V200, andV300 Vee-BallR valves use thetime-proven V-notch ball thatprovides high-capacity control ofliquid, gas, steam, and fibrousslurries. The shearing action ofthe ball allows smooth, non-clogging operation, and theunrestricted, straight-through flowensures high capacity. Easy Installation...Design V150and V300 integral flanges eliminate exposed flange studs,and the Design V200 featuresline-centering lugs to simplifyalignment. High Rangeability...Flowcoefficient ratio is 300 to 1.
Reduced Maintenance Costs...
The Design V150, V200,and V300 valves have interchangeable trim parts toreduce spare parts inventory andcost and simplify maintenanceprocedures and training. Metaland soft seals are interchangeable within a valvebody. Easy Seal Inspection...Sealscan be inspected withoutremoving the actuator ordisassembling the valve.
Protection Against ProcessFluid Emissions...
Optional ENVIRO-SEALR packing systemsprovide a superior shaft seal toprevent the loss of valuable orhazardous process fluids. Theselive-loaded systems provide longer packing life and reliability.Materials for Sour Service...Fisher offers materials andmanufacturing procedures forcompliance with NACE (NationalAssociation of Corrosion Engineers) standard MR0175.
Other Rotary Valves The eplugt Family...
The DesignV500 valve uses rugged valvecomponents and a choice of erosion-resistant trim materials forhighly erosive and severe operating conditions at pressuresto PN 100 (Class 600) andtemperatures to 538_C. The Design CV500 valve combines the rangeability of thecammed-segmented V-
notchedball, with the inherent ruggednessfound in the Design V500 heavyduty bearings, seals and body.This combination provides a balance of high capacity, erosionresistance, and pressure controlfor liquid and gas. The Design BV500 valve featuresa specially contoured eccentricplug. The seat ring isgasketedand is retained with a screwed-inretainer. Metal-to metal seating isstandard, and soft PTFE seatingis optional. The Design BV500offers an exceptional solution formany less-severe general-serviceapplications, including low-pressure steams and fluids.
Design V250...
The Design V250valve is a heavy-duty valve oftenused in gas transmission lines,gas distribution, or liquid pipelines. It is available in sizes to24 inches and Class 600 or 900pressure-temperature ratings.
Design V260...
The Design V260valve has special energy-dissipating trim to reducenoise effects that cause pipelinevibrations. It is available in 8-through 12-inch sizes with Class300 or 600 ratings. Noise Attenuator Ball...Depending on serviceconditions, up to -10dBA acoustical attenuation and a KCof 1.0 for liquid flow are possiblewith the noise attenuator ball(available with DIN DN 100through DN 300 and ANSI 4-through 20-inch valves).
Basis Weight ControlValve...
These valves are available with an electric actuatorand control circuits to meet theprecision control requirements ofbasis weight control in the papermaking industry.
Valve Type Selection: